Python code to create random kinetic mechanisms
This software can create random kinetic mechanisms and then derive the differential rate laws from them. It is useful for practicing writing systems of differential rate laws.
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from sympy import var from random import random from KinMech import * def randomrxn(reagentlist, maxreactantstoich, maxproductstoich): # generates a random reaction from reagentlist, where the order of the reaction # is controlled by maxreactantstoich and maxproductstoich. rxn = [] reagent = [] phaselist = ['l', 's', 'g', 'aq'] puritylist = ['solution', 'solvent', 'pure'] maxnumberofreactants = min(int(round(1 + (maxreactantstoich - 1) * random())), (len(reagentlist) - 1)) totalstoich = 0 # print ('maxnumberofreactants: '+str(maxnumberofreactants)) for i in range(0, (maxnumberofreactants)): stoich = int(round(1 + (maxreactantstoich - 1) * random())) # 1..maxreactantstoich # print ('reactants: '+str(i)+', stoich: '+str(stoich)) if (maxreactantstoich - stoich - totalstoich) < 0: stoich = max(0, (maxreactantstoich - totalstoich)) if stoich > 0: phase = phaselist[int(round((len(phaselist) - 1) * random()))] purity = puritylist[int(round((len(puritylist) - 1) * random()))] if phase == 'aq': purity = 'solution' if phase == 's': purity = 'pure' reagent = [stoich, reagentlist[i], 'reactant', phase, purity] totalstoich = totalstoich + stoich productlist = [] for j in range(0, (len(reagentlist))): productlist.append(reagentlist[j]) # print i for j in range(0, (i + 1)): if j <= i: del productlist[0] # print productlist rxn.append(reagent) # print ('reagentlist: '+str(reagentlist)+ ' productlist: '+str(productlist)) totalstoich = 0 maxnumberofproducts = min(int(round(1 + (maxproductstoich - 1) * random())), (len(productlist))) for i in range(0, (maxnumberofproducts)): stoich = int(1 + (maxproductstoich - 1) * random()) # 1..maxproductstoich if (maxproductstoich - stoich - totalstoich) < 0: stoich = max(0, (maxproductstoich - totalstoich)) if stoich > 0: phase = phaselist[int(round((len(phaselist) - 1) * random()))] purity = puritylist[int(round((len(puritylist) - 1) * random()))] if phase == 'aq': purity = 'solution' if phase == 's': purity = 'pure' if purity == 'solvent': purity = 'solution' reagent = [stoich, productlist[i], 'product', phase, purity] totalstoich = totalstoich + stoich rxn.append(reagent) return (rxn) def randommech(maxrxn, maxreagents): # generates a random mechanism with at most maxrxn reversible reactions (2*maxrxn reactions). # the mechanism will have at most maxreagents different species in it. Maxreagents > maxrxn. # This will occasionally generate mechanisms which are unreasonable, but not often. Even the # unreasonable ones are good for practice with mechanisms. maxreagents = max(maxreagents, (maxrxn + 1)) # insisting that the number of reagents is high enough # print 'maxreagents: '+str(maxreagents) mech = [] possiblereagents = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ' reagentslist = [] rateconstantindex = 1 for i in range(0, min((maxreagents), (len(possiblereagents)))): reagentslist.append(possiblereagents[i]) # print 'reagentslist: '+str(reagentslist) for i in range(0, max(1, (maxrxn - 1))): rateconstantstr = 'k_' + str(rateconstantindex) rateconstant = var(rateconstantstr) rxn = randomrxn(reagentslist, 2, 2) # set everything to aqueous solutions for j in range(0, len(rxn)): rxn[j][3] = 'aq' rxn[j][4] = 'solution' appendrxntomech(mech, rxn, rateconstant) rateconstantindex = rateconstantindex + 1 if (round(random()) == 1.0): # reversible rxn, so add the reaction in reverse rateconstantstr = 'k_' + str(rateconstantindex) rateconstant = var(rateconstantstr) reverserxn = [] for j in range(0, len(rxn)): reverseindex = len(rxn) - j - 1 if (rxn[reverseindex][2] == 'product'): reverserxn.append([rxn[reverseindex][0], rxn[reverseindex][1], 'reactant', rxn[reverseindex][3], rxn[reverseindex][4]]) else: reverserxn.append([rxn[reverseindex][0], rxn[reverseindex][1], 'product', rxn[reverseindex][3], rxn[reverseindex][4]]) appendrxntomech(mech, reverserxn, rateconstant) rateconstantindex = rateconstantindex + 1 # now readjust the reagentlist so that reactions will not be repeated. The dumb way is to just remove # the first reagent in the list. del reagentslist[0] # print 'reagentslist: '+str(reagentslist) return (mech)