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Info & Office Hours
Current Classes
Physical Chemistry 1 (Chem 370)
General Chemistry 1 (Chem 105)
Past Classes
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (Chem 103)
General Chemistry 2 (Chem 106)
Scientific Glass Blowing (Chem 230)
Biophysical Chemistry (Chem 365)
Physical Chemistry 2 (Chem 371)
Some classes Dr. Gutow taught long ago...
General Study Hints
What is the difference between an education and training?
What learning style do you prefer?
How to study for college science classes
How to prepare for science tests
General Advice
Lewis Structure Tutorial
Molecular Shape (VSEPR) Tutorial
Interactive Atomic Orbitals
Hybrid orbital tutorial
Visualizations of molecular assemblies
Tools for authoring Jmol web pages
Useful Chemistry Links
Properties of Substances
Spectral and Physical Properties (NIST)
JANAF Thermochemical Tables at NIST
Organic Compound Spectra (SDBS)
NASA Raman Spectral Database
Atomic Weights and Isotopes (NIST)
Computational Chemistry Comparison and Bench Mark Databases (NIST)
What is that Stuff?
Physical Constants and Metrology
Fundamental Physical Constants (NIST)
SI Units (BIPM)
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (the GUM from BIPM)
Software Tools and Coding
Molecular Visualization
Kinetic Modelling
Algebra, Data Analysis, Fitting, Computer Aided Mathematics
Computer and Coding HOW-TOs
Fun Stuff
Animated Song: The Elements
What is that Stuff?
Dr. Gutow at April 2017 March for Science
Dr. Gutow likes to be on the water...
Breakthrough COVID Beard
Then and Now Pictures
UWO Chemistry
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