Package chemaxon.struc

Provides classes for implementing and manipulating chemical structures.


Interface Summary
StereoConstants Constants for atom parity and double bond stereo.

Class Summary
CEdge Edge in a chemical graph.
CGraph Chemical graph.
CNode Node in a chemical graph.
CTransform3D 3D transformation matrix.
DPoint3 Point in three dimensional space.
MDocument Marvin document.
MObject Paintable object.
MolAtom Atom object and the properties of the elements.
MolBond Chemical bond.
Molecule Molecule class.
MoleculeGraph A graph consisting of MolAtom vertices and MolBond edges.
MPoint Point object.
MSelectionDocument Selection document.
RgMolecule A molecule or reaction containing R-groups.
RxnMolecule Reaction.
SelectionMolecule A selection object derived from Molecule's ancestor.
Sgroup S-group.

Package chemaxon.struc Description

Provides classes for implementing and manipulating chemical structures.

Serialization of these classes is `standardized' in Marvin 3.1.4. All future versions of them are planned to remain backward compatible with older versions serialized in 3.1.4 or later; the serialVersionUID's will not change.