Deprecated API

Deprecated Fields
          as of Marvin 3.1, there is no possibility to do that 

Deprecated Methods
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by isAtomSetVisible 
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by isAtomSetVisible 
JMView.setSetColor(int, int)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetColor 
MView.setSetColor(int, int)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetColor 
JMView.setSetSeq(int, int, int)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetSeq 
MView.setSetSeq(int, int, int)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetSeq 
JMView.setSetVisible(int, boolean)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetVisible 
MView.setSetVisible(int, boolean)
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetVisible 
chemaxon.struc.MolAtom.toString(int, int, CTransform3D, int[])
          as of Marvin 3.0, replaced by getAtomSymbol and getAtomLabels 
          as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by Sgroup.findCrossingBonds()