Molecular Orbital Calculations for Disodium, Dichloromethane, and Fluorobenzene

Thomas Kuborn and Paige Bednarz

        One of the most important calculations performed by computational chemists is the ab initio. This work used calculation models such as 6-21G, 6-31G, DZV, and TZV which are the basis sets that are much smaller than the true ab initio, which would calculate all integrals. Using these basis sets the physical properties such as bond length, bond angle, electrostatic potential, IR absorption, UV absorption, and partial atomic charge were calculated for the molecules disodium, dichloromethane, and fluorobenzene. As the DZV and TZV calculations contained the largest basis sets these methods often produced values that most closely matched the literature. However, these calculations never exactly matched the true physical values showing that the basis sets used were not expansive enough to accurately model reality.

        Many physical properties of molecules can be modeled by computer systems. These computer calculations form the basis of the field known as computational chemistry which is closely related to physical chemistry1. The basis sets used in this calculation were 6-21G, 6-31G, and the double and triple zeta valence (DZV and TZV). The 6-21G and 6-31G sets rely upon using Gaussians, 21 and 31 respectively,  to model the movement of electrons. Gaussian functions rather than calculate the position at a given time, calculate the average probability of position over a given range. DZV and TZV rely upon creating two and three basis sets for each atomic orbital to more accurately model electronic motion. Attempting to perform these calculations by hand would have been an arduous task, but computers now perform the bulk of these calculations. Many of these calculations followed the Hartree Fock self consistent field (HF-SCF) approximation in which the energy is calculated at one molecular geometry, then molecules are shifted and the calculation is performed again and again until the lowest possible energy is calculated2. Additionally, the Huckel approximation was used in which a linear combination of atomic orbitals is used to calculate molecular geometry using only pi molecular orbitals2.
        These calculations began with using Avogadro3 to build the molecules. The .xyz files produced by Avogadro were then used in wxMacMolPlt4 to generate molecular optimization files for use in basis set computations. All basis set computations were performed in the GAMESSQ5 package. The .log files output by GAMESSQ were opened in the open source program JMol6 and used to generate the three dimensional graphics shown on these webpages. These calculations progressed from smallest basis set to largest basis set in which the .log file from a smaller set was used to generate the next largest set. The progression of basis sets were from AM1to 6-21G, 6-31G, and then finally either DZV or TZV. The AM1 basis set was initially used to set up a framework for future basis sets. Calculated values for physical properties such as bond length, bond angle, electrostatic potential, IR absorption, UV absorption, and partial atomic charge were calculated using each of these basis sets. In order to determine the most accurate basis set, calculated values were compared against literature values.

You can see graphical representations of these molecules, as well as calculated physical values at the following hyperlinks: Disodium  Dichloromethane   Fluorobenzene

        Comparing all levels of theory the DZV and TZV calculations were often the best, however, 6-31G produced the same values for bond length and bond angle as the zeta valence calculations. Since zeta valence calculations take more time to compile than Gaussian basis sets it would be recommended to use 6-31G calculations if the objective was only to calculate bond length and angle. Overall these computational calculations were able to accurately model diatomics and polyatomics such as disodium and dichloromethane, but aromatics such as fluorobenzene were difficult to calculate.
        Many calculated values deviated from literature values. One example being the dipole moment, in which the calculated value differed from the literature value by 25.73% for fluorobenzene, 16.75% for dichloromethane. This may imply that the number of basis sets used to perform these calculations may have been too low.
        Calculated vibrational frequencies, reminiscent of those seen on an IR spectrum, more closely matched literature values7,8,9 than other calculations. The best level of theory to perform these calculations was the DZV. In this work we were unable to calculate an accurate IR frequency for disodium as it is symmetric and does not absorb in the IR spectrum. More often than not the DZV model tended to produce the most accurate values for physical properties of molecules. This work could be improved upon by switching to larger and larger basis sets.


1. Gutow, J. Molecular Orbital (MO) Calculations. 2015.
2.  Cooksy, A.; Physical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Interactions; Pearson Higher Education: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2014
3.  Hanwell, M., Curtis, D., Lonie, D., Vandermeersch, T., Zurek, E., Hutchison, G.; Avogadro: an advanced semantic chemical editor, visualization, and analysis platform. J. Chem. Info. 4, 2012, 17
4. Bode, B. M. and Gordon, M. S. J. Mol. Graphics Mod., 16, 1998, 133-138.
5. Mark Gordon's Quantum Theory Group. Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University.; (Accessed March 7th, 2015).
6. Jmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D.
7. Listing of experimental data for disodium 2015, (Accessed March 7th 2015).
8. Listing of experimental data for dichloromethane 2015, (Accessed March 7th 2015).
9. Listing of experimental data for fluorobenzene 2015, (Accessed March 7th 2015).