Once the molecule file is fully loaded the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon
will disappear.
Similar to the atomic partial charges, the electrostatic potential map
shows the electron density where the red region signifies a higher
probability of finding an electron and the blue region signifies a lower
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Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Using directory /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Sulfur Dioxide Webpage/Sulfur dioxide electrostatic potential
adding JmolPopIn.js
...adding electrostatic_potential.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Sulfur Dioxide Webpage/Sulfur dioxide electrostatic potential
file:/Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /SO2_DZV.log
/Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Sulfur Dioxide Webpage/Sulfur dioxide electrostatic potential/SO2_DZV.log
...adding electrostatic_potential.spt