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Sulfur Dioxide

This page shows the vibrations, geometries, and different physical properties of sulfur dioxide.

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Calculated Vibrations compared to the IR Spectrum
The following vibration tabs are the calculated DZV values and pictures for sulfur dioxide. They each correlate with the peaks in the IR Spectrum that you can find the link below.
IR Spectrum Link
The calculated energy for Vibration 1 was 1165.13cm^-1. This Vibration correlates with the very large peak to the left on the graph.

The calculated energy for Vibration 2 was 1060.25cm^-1. This Vibration correlates with the small peaks that are next to the large peak of vibration 1.

The calculated energy for Vibration 3 was 480.0cm^-1. This Vibration correlates with the small peaks that are on the right of the graph.

This is the highest occupied molecular orbital, which means that this state is the highest energy of all possible orbitals and has two electrons in each orbit. This orbit is the 16th orbital.

This is the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, which means that this state is the next lowest orbital structure an electron could transition to from the HOMO level. This is the 17th molecular orbit.

Partial Atomic Charges
The oxygens have a negative partial charge because they are more electronegative than the sulfur atom and have a higher electron density.

Follow this link to see the electrostatic potential.

Geometry Optimizations
The actual sulfur dioxide lengths from NIST is 0.1432nm with a bond angle of 119.5degrees.
This is the geometry using the DZV basis set. This was our final calculation after the 6-31G basis set.

This is the geometry using the AM1 basis set. This was our first calculation of our molecule of sulfur dioxide.

This is the geometry using the 6-21G basis set. This was our second calculation of our molecule after the AM1 basis set. This is the closest bond length that was almost exactly the actual bond length from NIST.

This is the geometry using the 6-31G basis set. This was our third calculation after the 6-21G basis set. This is the closest bond angle of our basis sets to the actual angle from NIST.

Calculated Dipole Moments For SO2
4.291204 Debye
2.899028 Debye
3.276980 Debye
3.437539 Debye
1.868489 Debye
The actual dipole moment that is found from NIST is 1.63 Debye. The improved dipole calculation was much closer to the actual dipole moment found from NIST, so we found that adding diffuse functions does improve the dipole moment calculation.
Characteristically, the simplest ab initio calculations were closer to the actual dipole moment than the higher theory of DZV.

Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
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