Lowest optimized bond lengths recorded. |
Bond length
calculations for 631-G optimization.
Carbon-Carbon bonds are .01 angstrom longer (1.39). Bromine to Carbon bond is .01 angstrom longer (1.94). |
Bond length
calculations for DZV optimization.
Bond lengths are unchanged from 631-G. |
Bond Angle
calculations for 321-G calculations.
Bond Angle
calculations for 631-G optimization.
Bromine to carbon bond angle increased .02 (119.8). Carbon-Carbon bonds adjacent to Bromine changed to allow Bromine Carbon bond angle change. Carbon-hydrogen bond adjacent to Bromine decreased .02 (120.4). Carbon-hydrogen bonds furthest from Bromine increased .01 (120.2). |
Bromine Carbon bond angle decreased .05 to 119.3 Carbon Carbon bond angles adjacent to Bromine decreased .01 to 119.4 The hydrogen to carbon bonds near the Bromine are going to be pulled closer to Bromine's electron density, which makes these bond angles smaller on the Bromine side. |
Highest Occupied Molecular
Orbital diagram for Bromobenzene.
Shows bonding orbitals on the carbon ring. Anti bonding orbitals between bromine and carbon ring. |
Lowest Unoccupied Molecular
Orbital (LUMO). Extra electron density will destabilize the
molecule because the orbitals are antibonding.
Highest Energy
orbital of Bromobenzene, showing antibonding orbitals.
of Bromobenzene with bonding orbitals shown. Shows
highest electron density in the center of the ring. This is
probably due to resonance stabilizing of the electron density.