Molecular Orbital Calculations Lab
By: Chris Aretz and Becky Kauer
The reactivity of a molecule is determined mostly by
its electron structure. Knowing the locations of the electrons and the
energies they have could lead to describing most of its properties such
as bond lengths, dipole moments, vibrational frequencies, uv-vis
spectrum, and molecular orbital geometries. The calculations can be done
easily for a one atom system with only one electron, however it gets
more complicated with multi-atom sytems with more than one electron. To
do these calculations various computer programs are needed, such as
MacMolPlt, GamessQ, and Jmol. Several approximations were done by these
programs, such as Huckel approximation and the variational principle.
The Huckel approximation is done using determinates to solve for the
enegry; assuming all beta for non-neighbors are zero, all other betas
are the same, that S = 0, and all alphas are equal. This gives as many
energies as there are solutions for the determinates. The variational
principle sets the wavefunction psi equal to a sum of constant times
psi 1, constant times psi 2... This allows the calculation of the
wavefunction. Five different basis sets were used, they are AM1, PM3,
3-21G, 6-31G, and DZV. The 3-21G, 6-31G, and DZV are ab initio calculations, which give
closer results to the accepted values. Some of these calulations took a
long time to do and were left to calculate over a few days. These
calculations were done on three molecules, a diatomic, a small
polyatomic, and an aromatic compound. The diatomic was flourine, F2.
The small polyatomic molecule was hydrogen sulfide, H2S. The aromatic
compound was styrene, C8H8.
From looking at the data for F2, Table 1, the
computational results are reasonable for the dipole moments at the PM3
and DZV theory levels. In addition, the computational results are
reasonable for looking at the different molecular orbitals for
molecules. However, due to the approximations made when computing the
computational results are close to but not equal to the accepted values
at each level of theory. The computational results are also useful if
wanting to know approximate values for bond lengths, dipole moments,
vibrational frequencies, uv-vis spectrum, and molecular orbital
geometries without having to do additional experiments to acquire more
accurate results. They are not useful if wanting to know exact values
of results that can be obtained through other methods, such as the
uv-vis spectrum, and vibrational frequencies.
(1) Gutow, J.; Chemsitry 371 Lab
maual Spring 2011; UWO:Oshkosh, 2011; p 11-18
(2) NIST
NIST Standard Refrence
Database Number 69 2008 accessed Mar. 10, 2011
(3) Spectral Database for Organic Compoundsd SDBS; SDBS
Compounds and Spectral Search
10, 2011
(4) Nationsl Instite of Standards and Technology; CCC and Benchmark Database 2010
accessed Mar. 10, 2011
(5) wxMacMolPlt, version 7.4.2 Bode, B.M and Gordon, M.S.J. Mol.
Graphics and Modeling, 1998, 16, 133-138 accessed Mar. 10, 2011
(6)Jmol, verson 2010, Jmol Development Team, 2010 accessed Mar. 10, 2011
(7) GamessQ, version 1.2, Ekstrand, J. Bond, Brett, 2008 Iowa State
University, accessed Mar. 10, 2011
(8) SeaMonkey, version 2.0.06, Mozilla Project, 2010. accessed Mar. 10,