Review Notes
The end of chapter "Summary of Facts and Concepts" and "Key Words" combined with the pink boxed equations in the chapters are as good an overview or review sheet as I could make for you.  The only thing better would be for you to make your own review sheet (See below).  In each chapter review section there are a few things that you are either not responsible for or that need clarification.  I include that information for each chapter below.
1-Origin of Matter 2-Radioactivity 3-Atomic Structure 4-Compounds/RXNs 5-Solutions I
7-Molecular Shape and Greenhouse Gases
9-Solutions II/Intermolecular Forces
Origin of Matter
Chang Chapter 1-The review section is complete. Make sure you are familiar with the definition of density (I will not provide the mathematical relationship on the exam).  The equations for temperature conversion and relations between units will be provided.  You must memorize the metric prefixes.

Chang Section 2.3-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #2&3 and the key words: alpha particles, atomic number, beta particles, electron, gamma rays, neutron, nucleus, proton, radiation, radioactivity.  Many of these are more completely covered in chapter 21.

Chang Section 3.1- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1 and the key words: atomic mass, atomic mass unit.

Chang Section 7.1- You are responsible for the relationship between the speed of light, wavelength and frequency (see example 7.1).

Radioactivity (Chang Chapter 21)
You are responsible for the Facts and Concepts #1-6, except that I do not care if you know the different kinds of fission reactors.  You are responsible for all the key words except breeder reactor.

Atomic Structure
Chang Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-4. You are responsible for the key words: alkali metals, alakine earth metals, atom, atomic number, families, groups, halogens, ion, ionic compound, isotope, mass number, metal, metalloid, neutron, noble gases, nonmetals, nucleus, periodic table, periods, proton.

Chang Chapter 7-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-8, 10-14.  If you find using quantum numbers easier you may use them, but you are not required to know anything more than the primary quantum number n.  You are responsible for all key words.  You do not need to know the Rydberg equation as it is simply a particular case of deltaE = Ef - Ei, which you should be able to use for any expression for En.

Chang Sections 8.1-8.5-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-6.  You are responsible for all the key words except for amphteric oxide, diagonal relationship, and valence electrons  (although this is just another name for electrons in the outer shell).

Chang Sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #5-7.  At this point you are responsible for all the key words in chapter 2.

Chang Sections 3.2-3.8-You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-4, and the first sentence of #5.  You are responsible for all the key words except: actual yield, excess reagent, limiting reagent, percent yield, theoretical yield. These are in section 3.9 and will be on exam 3.

Chang Section 3.9 (on exam 3)- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #5 and the key words: actual yield, excess reagent, limiting reagent, percent yield, theoretical yield.

Solutions I
Chang Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1, 2 (except for oxidation-reduction), 3, 4 (except for Bronsted acids/bases), 6 and all key words except: activity series, Bronsted acid/base, combination reaction, decomposition reaction, equivalence point, gravimetric analysis, half-reaction, indicator, oxidation number/state/reaction, oxidation-reduction reaction, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, reduction reaction, standard solution, titration.

Chang Sections 13.1, 13.3, 13.6- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-2, 5 (except for Vapor-Pressure lowering) and all key words except: Henry's law, ideal solution, nonvolatile, Raoult's law, thermal pollution, volatile.  You are not responsible for equations 13.5, 13.6 and 13.7.  You are responsible for the relationship of ppm, ppb and ppt to % by mass and thus also to molarity and molality.

Chang Sections 9.1-9.8- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-6 (except we will not use bond energies to estimate reaction energies yet) and all key words.

Molecular Shape and Greenhouse Gases
Chang Sections 10.1 to 10.5- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-5 and all key words except for those associated with molecular orbitals.

Global Warming Handout- You are responsible for understanding how the greenhouse effect works and why some gases cannot be greenhouse gases.  Also understand why human activity is believed to be the cause of accelerated global climate change.

IR Spectroscopy Handout- You are responsible for understanding what the peaks in an IR spectrum indicate.  Be able to correlate bond order with location of peaks in a IR spectrum.  You should understand what kinds of vibrational motions can be excited by infrared radiation.

Chang Sections 5.1-5.7- YOU MUST MEMORIZE PV=nRT.  You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1 - 8 and all key words.

Chang Sections 13.4 & 13.5 -You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #3 and the key word Henry's law.

Solutions II/Intermolecular Forces
Chang Sections 12.1-12.3, 12.6, 12.7 - You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1-5, 8 (except you are not responsible for molar heat of fusion and eq. 12.1), 9 and 10.  You are responsible for all key words except: molar heat of fusion, molar heat of sublimation, molar heat of vaporization (the vocabulary that relates to solids is required, but is really part of the next section).

Chang Section 13.2 and pp. 420-422 (Raoult's Law)- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #1 and 4.  You are responsible for all the key words (most were learned in previous sections).

Chang Sections 12.4-12.5 - You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #6 and 7.  You are responsible for all key words except: molar heat of fusion, molar heat of sublimation and molar heat of vaporization.

Chang pp. 663-664 and section 20.4- You are responsible for Facts and Concepts #5 and 6 and all key words except: chelating agent, donor atom, inert complex, labile complex.  You should know what the spectrochemical series is, but do not need to memorize it.

Minerals Web Reading
- You are responsible for what silicates are and the general categories of silicates (isolated tetrahedra, chains/paired chains, cyclic, sheets and framework).  You should also know that clays are layered structures containing silica sheets, usually similar sheets of aluminates (Al replaces Si) counterions and often water between the layers.  Most gems and minerals are silicates.  The color of gems and minerals comes mostly from trace transition metal ions that occupy octahedral and tetrahedral holes in the silicate network.  These transition metals have their d levels split by ligand field splitting, which leads to colored species.  You are not responsible for the difference between quartz and feldspar.
Making Your Own Review Sheets
The process of making a review sheet helps to set concepts in your mind.  It will not do you much good if you do it by copying the review material at the end of the chapter.  The most effective way to make the review sheet is to go through the chapter looking for key terms, concepts, equations and relations.  Many of these items will be in bold face, italics or set off in some other way.  The headings for sections are also useful guides to key ideas you should be familiar with.  Then go through the suggested homework problems and make groups of similar types of problems.  Try to come up with a label or description for each group.

I hope some of you find these suggestions useful.
Dr. G
1-Origin of Matter 2-Radioactivity 3-Atomic Structure 4-Compounds/RXNs 5-Solutions I
7-Molecular Shape and Greenhouse Gases
9-Solutions II/Intermolecular Forces
Last Update:5/3/07