Known Typos and Errors in Chem 106 Text

Spring 2004, first printing of Chemistry: The Science in Context

Compiled by Drs. Gutow, Matsuno, Berge and Mihalick with the help of Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 Chemistry 106 students.

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Periodic Table:
The atomic mass of Tellurium (#52) should be 127.60

Chapter 11:
Page 529. Incorrect: (1419 mol)(75.3J/mol C)(-25 ˚C) = -2.67 x 107 J.  Correct: (1419 mol)(75.3 J/mol C)(-25 ˚C) = -2.67 x 106 J.
Page 529, bottom.  Incorrect: 2.69 x 104 kJ = (x) (6.31 kJ/mol). Correct: 2.69 x 103 kJ = (x)(6.31 kJ/mol).
Page 530, top. Incorrect:4.26 x 103.  Correct: 4.26 x 102.  Incorrect: 75 pounds -> Correct: 16.9 pounds.

Problem 63 a. Incorrect: 2 N2  ->  Correct: 1 N2.  

Answer to problem 65 is 1066.5 kJ/mol.

Answer to problem 77 is 5128 kJ/mol.

Answer to problem 79 is 23.29 °C.

Problem 89:  the enthalpy of formation of decane is negative, not positive.

Answer for Problem 99: octane is not in the problem.  Hexane has an energy density of 32,000 kJ/L.

Chapter 12:

Concept Tests:
There is no Concept test on p. 562.
The Concept test on p.563 is listed as 564b in back of text.
The Concept test on p. 568 is listed as 569 in back of text.
The answer to the Concept test on p. 575 is:  both ethane and ethanol have London dispersion forces, but ethanol also has dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonding interactions, making the molecules stick together more.
Chapter Review (Page 601).  Section 12.9 is part of section 12.6.  Section 12.10 is actually 12.9.  Section 12.11 is actually 12.10.

End of Chapter problems:
3.  Answer should be sp3.
4.  "cyclichexane" is misspelled, should be "cyclohexane"

15.  n-pentane is missing from the answers.
17.  Answer should be a, c, & d (c & d are the same).
21  The answers show line structures, not Lewis structures, and most of them are wrong.
a. Answer has 1 carbon too many in the chain (it shows 2-methylhexane).
b.  Move one of the methyl substituents from the 2nd to the 3rd carbon in the chain (it shows 2,2-dimethylhexane).
c.  Remove a carbon from the chain and move one of the methyl substituents from the 2nd to the 3rd carbon in the chain (it shows 2, 2-dimethylpentane).
41.  No answer given in back of text.
45.  No answer given in back of text.
53.  d is pentanal, not an isomer of it.
55.   a & b are not structural isomers; they have different numbers of hydrogen atoms (C5H10O vs C5H8O).

Chapter 13:
Page 613.  In sample exercise 13.1 q = -573 J  not -264 J.  This results in ∆Hsoln= 57.3 kJ/mol.

Answer to Practice Problem 13.1 (page A-52).  The correct answer is 20.66 degrees Celcius not 71 degrees.

end of chapter problems:  they tend to compare absolute values (a very negative value is greater than a slightly negative value!)
6. greater = more negative than
7. less = less negative than

37. -175.8 J/K

Chapter 14:

Practice exercise 14.2:  H2O forms at 1.5 M/s, N2 at 0.75 M/s

Figure 14.5  colors are reversed from caption
page 681, equation at bottom of page:  [O2] = 0.01 not 0.1

Sample exercise 14.5 solution:  third line should read "as great as experiment 2 as in experiment 3."

Table 14.4, p. 685:  First value under "ln [O3] should be -9.210.
End of Chapter problems:
answer to 14.5 (c) replace delta [NO2-] with - delta [NH3].
answer to 14.7 (c) also equal to - 2 delta [H2O]/delta t
answer to 14.11 (c)  There should be minus signs in front of the fractions on both sides of the equal sign.
answer to 14.53 (b)  5 half lives.

answer to 14.59:  According to the kinetics results, changing H2 to Cl2 must change the mechanism greatly. 
H2 bonds are much stronger than Cl2 bonds so most chemists would not be surprised that they have a different reaction mechanism. 

answer to 14.81:  A = 6.03x1020 M-1 s-1(changed to normal units from cm3/molecule), Ea = 17.13 kJ/mol

answer to 14.83: a) Ea = 314 kJ/mol

answer to 14.85:  A = 1.27x1012, Ea = 39.06 kJ/mol

Chapter 15
End of Chapter problems:
answer to 5:  molar mass of 44 should have been 45 g/mol.

49a is 5.075 kJ/mol.
The answer to 49b is listed as answer to 51b.
The answer to 51 is 1.29 x 1018.

56:  The value of the equilibrium constant does not change with pressure. 

The answer to 63 is listed as answer to 61.
The answer to 61 is a. shift toward products; b. shift toward reactants; c. shift toward reactants

Chapter 16
End of Chapter problems:
37.  [OH-] = 6.0x10-4 M

69.  pH = 9.51

77.  pH = 4.44 at 25°C, 4.49 at 0°C

79.  The Ka given in the problem is not correct; it should be 2.2x10-13 (as in Appendix 5).
The Henderson-Hasselbach equation predicts a pH of 12.66, but that neglects another reaction that is also occurring in the solution:
H2O + HPO42- <--> OH- + H2PO4-    Kb = 1.6x10-7 >> Ka
You can't easily set up an equilibrium table for polyprotic acids so don't expect any problems like that on quizzes or exams.

81. 6.6x10-2

95.  at equivalence point, pH = 8.35

Chapter 5.5
End of chapter problems:
97.c. The half reaction is not balanced.  The products should have 3 Fe2O3.

101.a. The answer should have Mn2+ in the reactants.

Chapter 17
End of chapter problems:

5.  The reaction will not work as a battery (the cell potential is negative).

11.a.  Cl is reduced and Br is oxidized.

31.  The half reactions are not included in the table in the appendix.

35.a.  NiOOH(s) + TiZr2H(s)   ->  Ni(OH)2(s) + TiZr2(s)

47.  E = 1.54 V

51.  The half reactions are not included in the table in the appendix.

63.  At the potential required for this electrolysis, the Cl- could be OXIDIZED to Cl2.

Chapter 18
polymers section:

65.  Monomers a and b could produce isotactic polymers.

69.  The second carbon in vinylalcohol is missing its H atom. 
Methyl methacrylate should have two hydrogen substituents on one C of the double bond; the methyl and -COOCH3 substituents should be on the other C of the double bond.

71.  The structure for polybutadiene is shown.  The structure for the addition polymer formed from vinyl acetate is:  polyvinylacetate structure

metals section:

9.  This problem is totally messed up, so don't even try it.

13.  (a) -114.4 kJ/mol ore;  (b) -149.9 kJ/mol ore;  (c) - 814.2 kJ/mol ore

27. (b) 6.56x105 L

ceramics section:

30. Few metal impurities; white; plastic when moist; doesn't shrink much when dried.

32. (a) ZrO2;  (b) CeO2; (c) MgO

43.  ceramics are AlN, GaN and InN

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last updated April 27, 2005