Quantum Calculations of Hydrogen Bromide, di-t-butyl Peroxide, and P-xylene 

by Tony F. Yang and Emilie Levenhagen
Oct. 10, 2019

    The molecules used in this experiment were HBr, Di-t-Butyl Peroxide,P-xylene. The use of different levels of molecular orbital theory could calculate the geometries, highest occupied molecular orbital, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, electrostatic potentials, dipole moments, partial atomic charges and vibrational energies of all the molecules in this experiment. The multiple theories used were AM1, 6-21G. 6-31G, and DZV. The best theories were found to be 6-31G for geometry, DVZ for Vibrational frequencies. and AM1 for Dipole moment.

    Electronically known structures can be used to determine the properties of a molecule and its reactivity. Predictions could be made about molecular dipole moment, polarizability, vibrational frequencies, probability of absorption of visible light, and tendency for molecules to donate electrons in a reaction. Knowing that the lowest energy of a molecule is the most stable, the optimum geometry was determined in this lab. By dividing the expectation value of the Hamiltonian by the normalization constant, the value of the energy could be calculated. The integral calculations increase exponentially as the molecule grows, therefore computers were needed to increase the calculation speeds.
    The different ways to calculate expectation values of a molecule is through the use of theories. The level of theories has three main differences in which are the time it takes to finish, the number of wave functions, and how well the energy is predicted. AM1 and PM3 are the fastest and most simplest of the theories as it only has two basis sets. 6-21G, 6-31G, and DZV has more basis set and is listed in increasing order.
    The program Gamess was used to calculate molecular orbitals and then transferred to a software called Avogradro for calculations. The calculations guessed the geometries of the molecules. Adjusting each calculations, all the theories were created.

Use the following hyperlinks to see the calculated values: HBr, Di-t-Butyl Peroxide,P-xylene.


   Out of all the theories examined, 6-31G worked the best in relations to literature values. Considering the amount of time it took to compute, it is not recommended going past 6-31G. Dipole moments for the diatomic and aromatic worked great, but the peroxide didn't. For vibrational energies, DZV was used and in comparison to IR literature values it worked well. DZV was expected to be the best calculated value due to its high basis set, but it ended up not being true for all three molecules. Noticing that DZV was not best for all value, it is better to consider doing a set of theories versus only the highest basis set. 

    1. “All Data (Experiment and Calculated) in the CCCBDB for One Species.” CCCBDB All Data for One Molecule, https://cccbdb.nist.gov/alldata1x.asp.

    2. “Di-Tert-Butyl Peroxide.” Di-Tert-Butyl Peroxide, National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C110054&Type=IR-SPEC&Index=1.

    3. “IR Spectrum Table & Chart.” Sigma, https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/technical-documents/articles/biology/ir-spectrum-table.html.

    4. Oberhammer, Heinz. “Gas Phase Structures of Peroxides: Experiments and Computational Problems.” ChemPhysChem, vol. 16, no. 2, Apr. 2014, pp. 282–290., doi:10.1002/cphc.201402700.

   5. “p-Xylene.” p-Xylene, National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=106-42-3&Type=IR-SPEC&Index=QUANT-IR,16.

Lide, David R. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: a Ready-Reference Book of Chemical and Phyical Data. CRC Press, 1992.
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