Once the molecule file is fully loaded, the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon will disappear.

Comparison of RHF and UHF calculations

There are two different ways that the geometry of a peroxide molecule can be calculated.  In the RHF calculation, the program assumes that all the electrons are paired up in the molecule.  Whereas in the UHF calculations, the program assumes that there are two unpaired electrons in the molecule.  This assumption will result in different optimal geometries.

The geometry calculated using RHF appears when the following button is clicked. 
When compared to the UHF model, one can see that this provides the better model.
The geometry calculated using UHF appears when the following button is clicked.
The geometry predicted using the UHF model predicts two OH radicals, which is not at all realistic.

Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by the Export to Web module of Jmol 14.29.46 2019-06-03 12:50 on Oct 10, 2019.
Based on a template by A. Herráez and J. Gutow

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