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Meta-xylene (CH3C6H4CH3)
The geometry optimizations for the three highest levels of theory are shown below. The following buttons show the bond lengths and angles for each theory.8

6-21G was the lowest level of theory used for geometry optimization.

6-31G was the next highest level of theory used for geometry optimization.

DZV was the highest level of theory used for geometry optimization.

This is the highest occupied molecular orbital at orbital 29. The orbitals were calculated by summing the amount of electrons in the molecule and dividing by two.

This is the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital at orbital 30.  This would become occupied if the molecule was excited with an adequate amount of energy.

This is the electrostatic potential of the molecule. The red areas represent the lowest potentials and blue represent the highest potentials. Intermediate colors represent intermediate potentials.

The partial atomic charge on each atom is shown here. They are created by the asymmetric distribution of electrons in a chemical bond.

The vibrational frequencies were calculated using the highest level of theory. These vibrations would appear in an infrared spectrum of meta-xylene. Figure 1 shows the literature IR spectrum of this molecule.9

IR spectrum
Figure 1: IR spectrum of meta-xylene. Note that the molecule can be named multiple ways, as the title suggests.

The following buttons can help visualize certain diagnostic peaks in the IR. The important ring stretches appear in the 2000-1650 cm-1 and 900-600 cm-1 regions which help determine the substitution patterns of benzene molecules.

The UV peaks on UV-Vis spectrum were calculated and are shown in Table 1. No experimental data was found for meta-xylene so comparison was not able to be accomplished.

Table 1: Tabulated values for peaks on a UV-Vis spectra. The oscillator strength shows the probability of that peak being on the graph.
Oscillator strength
Wavelength (nm)

Due to the relative weak dipole moments between carbon and hydrogen, dipole moment calculations were not included.

You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
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