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Hydrogen fluoride
Geometry optimization in MacMol* was used to arrive at the lowest energy geometry of the molecule.  Five levels of optimization were used: AM1, PM3, 6-21G, 6-31G, and DZV.  It was found that the most energetically favorable orientation was the DZV optimization.  The literature value of the bond length of hydrogen fluoride 0.917 angstrom.* In the image to the right, the green atom is fluorine and the white atom is hydrogen. 

The optimization AM1 was further optimized using the 6-21G.  The 6-21G optimization is the lowest level of optimization found in the ab initio.

The AM1 was further optimized using the 6-31G.  This could have been done using the previous 6-21G optimization, but since it is a diatomic molecule it is not essential.  The result in the 6-31G optimization had an equivalent bond length to the DZV optimization.

The DZV is the highest level of optimization in the ab initio.  This optimization was derived from the AM1 optimization.  Again, this could have been derived from the previous 6-31G optimization, but because it's a diatomic molecule it was not essential. 

The HOMO or
Insert more information for HOMO Oribitals here.
The button LUMO Oribitals will appear below. Insert information for LUMO Oribitals here and below.
Insert more information for LUMO Oribitals here.
The button Electrostatic Potential will appear below. Insert information for Electrostatic Potential here and below.
Insert more information for Electrostatic Potential here.
The button Partial Charges will appear below. Insert information for Partial Charges here and below.
Insert more information for Partial Charges here.

You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by export to web function using Jmol 14.2.12_2015.01.22 2015-01-22 21:48 on Mar 2, 2015.
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