NO Molecule
NO geometry

Bond Length/Order Data
Referenced bond length:   140 pm1

Calculated using 3-21G basis set:                
- bond length:   120 pm                                        
- bond order:   1.709                                             

Calculated using 6-31G basis set:
- bond length:   117 pm
- bond order:   1.700

    The level of theory used for further analysis should be 3-21G because it's calculated bond length is closer to the referenced value.  No literature value could be found for bond order; however, the minor variance in the two outputs for that parameter lead to the assumption that the expected value must be close to 1.7.

Orbital Configuration
Highest occupied molecular orbitals of NO

    Nitrogen and oxygen's ground state electron configurations are [He]s2p5 and [He]s2p6, respectively.  Therefore, p-orbitals should be the highest occupied. The HOMO calculated by the software and shown above are p-orbitals.

Calculated Vibrational Frequencies and Motions
301.52 cm-1 corresponds to a bending motion
    56.86 cm-1 corresponds to an asymmetric stretch
2050.67 cm-1 corresponds to a symmetric stretch

    Calculated frequencies can be compared to the data from the NIST website.  The numbers calculated are considerably lower than the data found on the NIST site.  However, they do correspond to the same three motions as NIST and in the same order from smallest to largest.

Electrostatic Potential Surface
NO potential
Electrostatic potential surface of NO

    The software's calculated electrostastic potential surface is shown above.  Since the oxygen is more electronegative than the nitrogen, it is going to draw more electron density to its side of the molecule, and the potential surface for the molecule take's on an egg-shaped appearance.

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