Cl2 Molecule
Cl2 Molecule
Bond Length/Order Data

Literature value for bond length: 1.99 pm1

Calculated data using 3-21G basis set                                           
- bond order:      .941                                                             
- bond length:   2.193 pm                                                       

Calculated data using 6-31G basis set
- bond order:     .906
- bond length:    2.157 pm

    The level of theory used for further analysis should be 6-31G.  It's calculated bond length is closer to the literature value.  A reference value for the bond order could not be found.

Orbital Configuration
Highest occupied molecular orbitals in a Cl2 molecule

    Chlorine's ground state electron configuration is [Ne]3s2p5.  This makes sense in conjunction with the above graphic, because the orbitals represented are p-orbitals, which are the hughest occupied.

Calculated Vibrational Frequencies and Motions

    2.76 cm-1 corresponds to a asymmetric stretch.
512.09 cm-1 corresponds to symmetric stretch.

    Data to be compared could not be found.

Electrostatic Potential Surface
Cl2 potential
Electrostatic potential surface of a Cl2 molecule

    The electrostatic potential surface of Cl2 is symmetric as depicted above.  Both chlorine atoms have the same electronegativity and therefore, the potential surface about the molecule is mirrored across the center of the molecule in the x-, y-, and z- directions.

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