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Calculated Vibrational Energies for Ozone.

The vibrational energy 1336.77 cm-1 is related to the symmetric O-O stretching. Experimentally this occurs at 1355 cm-1.

The vibrational energy 991.35 cm-1 is related to the asymmetric O-O stretching. Experimentally this occurs at 1033 cm-1

The vibrational energy 724.91 cm-1 is related to the O-O bending. Experimentally this occurs at 739 cm-1.


Experimental bond lengths from:

Gerhard, Sherman L. The Infrared Absorption Spectrum and the Molecular Structure of Ozone. Physical Review, vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 622-631. (1932)

Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by export to web function using Jmol 12.2.34 2012-08-09 20:37 on Feb 26, 2013.