Once the molecule file is fully loaded, the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon will disappear.
Vibrations 21-36

Vibration 21 has a frequency at 1278.28cm-1.

Vibration 22 has a frequency at 1314.21cm-1.

Vibration 23 has a frequency at 1322.34cm-1.

Vibration 24 has a frequency at 1363.86cm-1.

Vibration 25 has a frequency at 1486.08cm-1.

Vibration 26 has a frequency at 1599.92cm-1.

Vibration 27 has a frequency at 1653.38cm-1.

Vibration 28 has a frequency at 1762.91cm-1.

Vibration 29 has a frequency at 1796.22cm-1.

Vibration 30 has a frequency at 2368.63cm-1.

Vibration 31 has a frequency at 3396.70cm-1.

Vibration 32 has a frequency at 3406.68cm-1.

Vibration 33 has a frequency at 3418.46cm-1.

Vibration 34 has a frequency at 3427.66cm-1.

Vibration 35 has a frequency at 3435.52cm-1.

Vibration 36 has a frequency at 3695.48cm-1.

You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by export to web function using Jmol 14.2.12_2015.01.22 2015-01-22 21:48 on Mar 7, 2015.
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