Once the molecule file is fully loaded, the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon
will disappear.
Diatomic Oxygen Molecule
O2 is a diatomic molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms that are double bonded together. Apart from being a crucial molecule for our continued survival, it has a multitude of other interesting characteristics. The O2 molecule was first modeled in Avogadro software, which was then loaded into MacMolPlt where 2 different input files were created, one for a UHF optimization and one for an RHF optimization in the Hessian 6-31G calculation. Because O2 has unpaired electrons in its veilance shell, it is possible to have a different number of degenerate states depending on the spin of each electron in the unbound orbitals. Each file was then sent to GamessQ which transferred the file to GAMESSUS which ran all of the optimization calculations. This yielded a lower energy in the UHF file meaning that there was multiplicity between orbitals in the O2 molecule. The UHF optimization was subsequently used to perform the CCD and CCT calculations in order to achieve the optimal geometry for this molecule.
You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button.
1. National institute of standards and Technology, “NIST Chemistry WebBook, SR”, https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?Formula=O2&NoIon=on&Units=SI&cIR=on&cTZ=on&cMS=on&cUV=on&cGC=on&cES=on&cDI=on&cSO=on. Accessed on 4/4/21
2. Purdue University Department of Chemistry, “Oxygen, O2” https://www.chem.purdue.edu/jmol/vibs/o2.html
Accessed on 4/4/21
Based on a template by A. Herráez and J. Gutow
Using directory /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
adding support.js
...adding O2_MolecularSurface.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
...adding O2_MolecularSurface.spt
...adding O2_bondlength.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
...adding O2_bondlength.spt
...adding O2_HOMO.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
...adding O2_HOMO.spt
...adding O2_LUMO.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
...adding O2_LUMO.spt
...adding O2_VibrationalFreq.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/enyark20/Documents/KE_PM/O2
...compressing large data file to
...adding O2_VibrationalFreq.spt