Once the molecule file is fully loaded the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon
will disappear.
Below is the molecular diagram where the arrows represent electrons in different energy levels.
Below are the different orbital images that represent the molecular diagram of diatomic fluorine that is shown above.
1s orbital is non-bonding.
1s anti orbital is both non-bonding and anti-bonding.
Sigma 2s bond is bonding.
Sigma 2s anti bond is anti-bonding.
Sigma 2p bond is bonding.
This orbital is bonding.
This orbital is anti-bonding.
Link to go to
Fluorine home page.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Using directory /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
adding JmolPopIn.js
...adding 1s_orbital.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
file:/Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Fluorine_DZV.log
/Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage/Fluorine_DZV.log
...adding 1s_orbital.spt
...adding 1s_anti_orbitals.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding 1s_anti_orbitals.spt
...adding Sigma_2s_bond.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding Sigma_2s_bond.spt
...adding Sigma_2s_anti_bond.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding Sigma_2s_anti_bond.spt
...adding 2p_bond.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding 2p_bond.spt
...adding pi_bond.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding pi_bond.spt
...adding pi_anti_bond.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Desktop/Laura and Brandon /Website Stuff/Fluorine orbitals Webpage
...adding pi_anti_bond.spt