Vibrational Modes of Nitrobenzene

To see the animation, right click the image, go to "Vibrations", and click "on".

Nitrobenzene Vibrational Mode #1

To see the animation, right click the image, go to "Vibrations", and click "on".

Nitrobenzene Vibrational Mode #2

To see the animation, right click the image, go to "Vibrations", and click "on".

Nitrobenzene Vibrational Mode #3

To see the animation, right click the image, go to "Vibrations", and click "on".

Nitrobenzene Vibrational Mode #4

To see the animation, right click the image, go to "Vibrations", and click "on".

Nitrobenzene Vibrational Mode #5
IR Spectrum for Nitrobenzene

vibrational spectrum

Literature Value for Vibration (cm-1)
Experimental Value for Vibration (cm-1)
684 (Mode #1)
896 (Mode #2)
1390 (Mode #3)
1542 (Mode #4)
3413 (Mode #5)

Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by export to web function using Jmol 12.0.26 2010-11-06 14:33 on Mar 7, 2011.