Hydrogen Fluoride

This page shows an in-depth analysis of the Hydrogen Fluoride molecule.  All of the Jmol representations are from our best experimental ab initio theory, DZV.  DZV was chosen based on a comparison of the experimental bond lengths from each level of theory to the literature value for the bond length of Hydrogen Fluoride.  This comparison can be seen in the table below.

Table 1: The data presented represents the bond length of Hydrogen Fluoride for each ab initio level of theory as well as the literature value.  The literature value is from NIST.
Level of Theory
Bond Length (Angstroms)
Literature Value

As can be seen from Table 1, the DZV level of theory was the best representation of hydrogen fluoride with a bond length of 0.92 Angstroms, which is only off by 0.003 Angstroms from the literature value.


In order to view the animation, click "here"
on the picture, right click on "animation",
then select "on".

Jmol model of the HOMO structure for Hydrogen Fluoride.

In order to view the animation, click "here"
on the picture, right click on "animation",
then select "on".

Jmol model of the LUMO structure for Hydrogen Fluoride.

In order to view the animation, click "here"
on the picture, right click on "animation",
then select "on".

Jmol model of the Molecular Electrostatic Potential for Hydrogen Fluoride.

Jmol model of Dipole Moment for Hydrogen

Jmol model of the Dipole Moment for Hydrogen Fluoride.

Potential Energy & Bond Length

                                 Potential Energy vs. Bond Length at Three Levels of Theory
PE vs Bond length
Figure 1: This is a graphical representation of the potential energy versus the bond length of
Hydrogen Fluoride at three levels of theory; 3-21G, 6-31G and DZV.

As seen in Figure 1, the highest potential energy is related to the 3-21G level of theory, the second highest potential energy is related to the 6-31G level of theory, and the lowest potential energy is related to the DZV level of theory.  From these results, it is apparent that the DZV level of theory produced the most accurate experimental structure.

Vibrational Frequency

Table 2: The data presented is a comparison of the experimental vibrational frequency of the DZV level of theory to the literature value for Hydrogen Fluoride.  The literature value is from NIST.
Level of Theory
Vibrational Frequency (cm^-1)
Literature Value

As seen in Table 2, the DZV level of theory was fairly accurate as a representation of the structure of Hydrogen Fluoride.  The vibrational frequency is within a range of 100 cm^-1.

Valence Energy Levels

    Level 1: Bonding
    Level 2: Bonding
    Level 3: Non-bonding
    Level 4: Non-bonding
    Level 5: Non-bonding
    Level 6: Non-bonding

Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by export to web function using Jmol 12.0.26 2010-11-06 14:33 on Mar 8, 2011.