Chemistry 105 Sample Exams
All the files below are .pdf documents. Thus clicking on the links will download files to open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
These exams are from last year.  The material coverage for these sample exams was broken up differently than this year because the class periods were only 1 hour long.  These exams are shorter than the one you will be taking in a 90 minute period.  There are TWO files for each sample exam:  1) the cover sheet for the exam (equations and constants); and 2) a file containing the exam and answer key.  Remember that a copy of the (opens in new window)WebElements periodic table will also be provided with the exam.
Sample Exams Corresponding to Exam 1
Sample Exam 1 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 2 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 1
Sample Exam 2
Notes on sample exams 1 & 2: These cover roughly the material that will be on exam 1.  Not all questions on these exams are applicable to our fist exam.  We have not yet covered material on % composition of compounds, the Doppler effect, temperature, radioactive half-lives, the composition of the Earth, naming compounds, molar mass of compounds.
Sample Exams Corresponding to Exam 2
Sample Exam 2 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 3 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 4 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 2
Sample Exam 3
Sample Exam 4
Notes on sample exams 2, 3 & 4:  As before the coverage on these exams is slightly different than this semester. 
Most of sample exam 2 was on our exam 1.  You are still not responsible for the following things on sample exam 2 : Doppler effect, temperature, radioactive half-lives and composition of the Earth.
On sample exam 3 you are not yet responsible for any questions involving concentration in units of molarity (M), molality (m), ppm, ppb or ppt. You are also not responsible for questions about osmotic pressure, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, solubility, net ionic equations, electrolytes or the bond-type triangle.
On sample exam 4 you are not yet responsible for questions on greenhouse gases, infrared light absorption, black-body radiation, gas volumes and amounts or quantitative calculations on dipoles.

Sample Exams Corresponding to Exam 3
Sample Exam 3 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 1 (F07) Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 5 Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 3
Sample Exam 1 (F07)
Sample Exam 5
Notes on sample exams 3_S07, 1_F07, 5_S07
On sample exam 3 at left you are still not responsible for the concentration unit of molality, osmotic pressure, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation or the bond-type triangle.
On sample exam 1 at left you are not responsible for any nomenclature questions about anything other than "linear/normal" alkanes and recognizing the -OH group as being part of an alcohol.  We have also not discussed the origins of coal (#35) the detailed make-up of gasoline (#34&36) or sugars.  You are also not expected to be able to calculate the volume change as a liquid vaporizes (#19) although you should be able to do the calculation given the final volume.
Note: this exam was a 90 minute exam.
On sample exam 5 you are not responsible for questions 7, 8, 10 (you don't know about critical temperature and heat of vaporization but otherwise should have some idea), 11-25

Sample Exams Corresponding to Exam 4
Sample Exam 2 (F07) Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 3 (F07) Cover Sheet
Sample Exam 2 (F07)
Sample Exam 3 (F07)
Notes on sample exams at left.  Both these exams were 90 minutes long.
On sample exam 2 at left you are not responsible for questions #7, 8, 9, 12 -16, 22, 25, 26, 28 - 31 and 36.
On sample exam 3 at left you are not responsible for questions #1, 3, 4 (only because we haven't defined the term "solubility product"), 8, 10, 14, 27 and 31 - 33.

Last Update: 5/8/08