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Sample of the Vibration Frequencies for Ethyl Benzene

The frequency of vibrations for ethyl benzene were calculated from the ab initio DZV basis set. These frequencies correspond to the frequencies at which IR peaks should be observed. A total of 48 vibrational frequencies were calculated for ethyl benzene. A sample selection of the characteristic bending and stretching vibrations can be viewed on this page by selecting the appropriate button. Table 1 lists the select calculated frequencies and Figure 1 is a reference IR spectrum of ethyl benzene prepared neat as a liquid film.

You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button or click the "Ethyl Benzene" button below to return the molecule to a stationary view.

Table 1: Select calculated vibrational frequencies of ethyl benzene. Calculations were performed using the DZV basis set and represent only a few of the frequencies predicted.
Calculated Frequency (cm-1)
Description of Vibration
Ring out of plane (OOP) bending
Ring breathing
Asymmetric aromatic C=C stretch
Symmetric aromatic C=C stretch
sp3 C-H alternating symmetric stretch
sp3 C-H symmetric stretch
Aromatic sp2 C-H asymmetric stretch
Aromatic sp2 C-H symmetric stretch

Figure 1: IR spectrum of neat ethyl benzene. Spectrum obtained from the SDBS website.

Page skeleton and JavaScript generated by the Export to Web module of Jmol 14.29.53 2019-08-18 15:32 on Oct 9, 2019.
Based on a template by A. Herráez and J. Gutow

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